My Background
Charron is an author, technologist, and inspirational speaker. Her writing spans genres, from poetry to career and personal development.
In 2010 Charron launched the blog, The Candy Shoppe. After running the blog and writing for several other online sites she published her first chapbook in 2013, Words That Occur in the Absence of Love. In the Spring of 2022 Charron released the Simplicity & Joy Planner with the hopes of helping people get closer to living the lives they deserve.
As an award winning executive in Higher Education who has worked in Information Technology for over 20 years, Charron is passionate about advocating for spaces that allow people to thrive in their chosen careers.
The Simplicity & Joy Planner is a 4-in-1 month and week planner, goal tracker, to-do setter (based on the principles of Minimum Baselining), and journal.
With words of wisdom to encourage you monthly, monthly goal setting, weekly minimum baseline to-do’s, and weekly journal prompts. The Simplicity & Joy Planner helps you prioritize and achieve your goals without sacrificing your joy.
Best of all, the Planner points you inward so that the personal and professional habits you create are in support of a healthy and whole you.

4 in 1! A monthly & weekly planner, journal, and goal tracker "All In One" product!
Front section includes intro to minimum baseline to-do setting, how to use your planner, monthly goal setting pages, weekly planning pages with to-do lists, and journal prompts
Sections include 12 monthly ‘words of wisdom’ pages, 12 undated monthly pages with goal section, 52 weekly planning pages with minimum baseline to-do list aligned with goals, 48 journal prompts with lined notes pages
Words That Occur in the Absence of Love
Poetry is all about love. But what happens when love is absent? In her first poetry chapbook, Charron Andrus, gives the love torn a volume of thirteen pieces that move the reader from the newly heartbroken “Living Without” to the heart break survivor “Broken”. Words That Occur in the Absence of Love is a terrific exploration into heartbreak and its aftermath.
'Like a tree deeply rooted and unmovable so should we aim to be. Living fully with the things we value and love blooming like fruit from the widespread branches of our lives.'
Charron M. Andrus